Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Raining yet again
Corozal received a lot of rain since last night. Many streets outside the town was flooded. There were puddles so big that they could be rivers! Despite the downpour, 29 teachers from the technology session and 13 from the curriculum session still made it to school. Some had wade through the knee-deep puddles to get their child to the babysitter before school, others fell in a puddle outside the school parking lot because the taxi driver refuse to enter the parking lot.

Google presentation with Magazine cover

For most of the day, the teachers worked on creating learning tasks based on their grade level. Many enjoyed using BigHugeLabs and Make Beliefs Comix
Some of the students left during lunch time because they were worried about flooding in their homes. Fortunately, I still had enough students to take a group photo.

BTW, here is what we have for lunch today.

Black dinner with rice

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