Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Power Outage

Teachers blogging
Day 1 in Corozal: 30 teachers attended the technology session. Unfortunately, I only had half the number of working computers but at least I had AC! Some of these teachers travelled far (from Sarteneja, etc.) to attend the session and they varied in tech skills. For some, using the computer was a new experience and for others, it was a review session.  

Day 2 began with strategic searching; however, in the middle of the lesson, there was a scheduled power outage. Originally, it was scheduled 8:00 AM but it did not happen until 9:45 and it lasted for two hours. 

Deserted lab with no power
After the power was turn backed on, we continued with our day. Many teachers were frustrated because of the slow internet connection and the computers freezing. The most enjoyable part of the day was when they worked on their ABC Book of Belize. Many of the teachers used the share function of Google Docs to work collaboratively and put what they have learned the previous day into practice.

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